Thank you again for your time and effort.

Eldric and any others:

Do you believe that SARS COV2 exists?

Is the rise in death attributed to this illness or something else?

Please understand that I am being hit with 2 different hypothesis's. Some of them say SARS COV2 (COVID) never existed and this was a psyc op. (Dr. Mike Yeadon for example).

Others saying a deadly pathogen was released on the public. (Dr. David Martin for example).

Both very smart men IMO.

You have looked at all the statistics.

You of all people understand them better than most.

I think you are the best person to answer this question that has me confused and frustrated.

I personally experienced and was witness to a bad respiratory infection/ flu that began in late Dec 2019.

It continued into the 1st quarter of 2020 in my small community.

I have always thought it existed and now I am being told it was a hoax again by the Dr.Yeadon camp.

I find this hypothesis odd.

Was that flu my son and I had that woke us up at 3am coughing and wheezing like we had saw dust in our lungs, or just another flu?

Please note: i was a strong believer in humans having a strong immune system and that is why we as a family refused the free coctel weeniers they where giving out as a cure.

If you can't reply I fully understand.

Best regards and I look forward to your next publication.

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Gas Axe….thank-you for your comments. As far as I am aware, coronaviruses do exist like the common cold and there are no vaccines for the common cold. SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus.

The rise in deaths appear to be related to the vaccines in general, however, other factors have contributed to excess deaths during the pandemic such as lockdowns, use of other medications and lack of proper healthcare. The government banning of prophylactic medications like ivermectin plus the complete silence of other prophylaxis like zinc, vitamins C and D also contributed to some degree.

In certain countries (see recent CotDs on Chile, Ecuador, Belgium, Spain) where there were large death spikes in April 2020 about 3-4 weeks after the official announcement of the pandemic and well before (9 to 10 months) any vaccines were administered. Causes unknown.

The main point is that the so-called vaccines are essentially a poison, in my opinion, and appear to correlate to the deaths and other adverse reactions.

Staying healthy will maintain a strong immune system and when we do catch a cold next time, it will be eliminated quickly.

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Jun 27Liked by Eldric Vero

I can agree on all points.

Thank you for clarifying this, as the April 2020 #s make me question what happened and the existence of a pathogen.

I recall seeing news of people were putting cadavers in the streets of Chili, Peru Ecuador in 2020.

Maybe part of the drama. Maybe it was for real.

In 2002 I went to East Asia for a construction project during the SARS outbreak.

3500 men men on this site got the flu.

We recovered and kept working.

I have always thought SARS existed and we recovered from it.

Only thermal cameras at airport back then.

20 years later in April 2020 everyone started freaking out and I said it just a flu. Relax you will all be fine.

I saw this 20 years ago and it's not a big deal.

They made it into a monster however.

Yes the hotdog as I call it, packed in to the syringe is toxic by design.

It seems far to advanced and so destructive.

Who ever came up with it is a monster.

Almost everyone I know took it.

There really isn't much we can do for our friends and loved ones other than comfort them.

Many of them have died on us or now very ill.

I actually found you in Dr. Ana's comment

Section and since read everything you have published. You obviously understand how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Ana is publishing stuff that relects a science fiction horror movie lol...

I have a hard time believing it is real.

As of today I will start to weed out my reading list and shorten it down.

Time is important and I best not waste it on false information.

Best regards and thank you for your response.

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