Thanks Eldric for drawing our attention to the new David E. Martin documentary. Great stuff. Martin, it seems to me, is still not taking aboard the work of Sasha Latypova who sees the whole Covidian war on Humanity as a project emanating originally from the US Dept of Defence. Pfizer and Moderns and BioNTECH etc all form the cover for the deeper military project which is exempt from all pharmaceutical regulation.

The abuse of language, like changes to the meaning of "vaccine" or "adverse advents" as described by Martin, are extended in Latypova's narrative to words games with terms like "countermeasures," "demonstrations" and such. One place where the two paradigms really came together is in how Martin describes Ralph Baric's 2005 CV. Baric's essay was for DARPA. Baric presented his work on "synthetic coronaviruses" as the key to" biological warfare enabling technology."

From COVID to Gaza, I'm thinking that a unifying theme is genocide. It seems the genocidaires are just getting started.

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You are spot on and as you indicate "language" is very key to the entire narrative. Your comments are intuitive and well appreciated. FYI...here is the link to the Baric et al "antidote" study Dr. David Martin referred to : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21079686/.

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Oh, this is a MAN! So intelligent, so competent, so well informed!

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What was the motivation of the patent claimants to seek patents?

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John...it appears that Moderna and Biontech were insiders prior to the covid plandemeic, so I believe patents are one way to get ahead of the curve...very lucrative.

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Yes, I tend to lose sight of the fact that there was a sizeable financial aspect.

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